CTO News

CTO Enhances Website

by Jeanne Wells Thill, executive director, CTO | Published October 11, 2021

Today, the Catholic Tuition Organization unveiled their new website thanks to a grant from the Catholic Foundation of SW Iowa.  Securing this grant allows us to utilize our fundraising dollars for tuition assistance rather than ongoing improvements to the website.  One of the enhancements is the addition of tuition assistance pages in Spanish.  Often, our first generation to America parents rely on their children to translate our documents, offering descriptions and explanations of our tuition assistance process helps those parents in the application process.  

A news feed is also added which offers both our donors and families current information about deadlines for both tuition assistance and donations, changes in legislation, status of available tax credits and any improvements to tax benefits.

“We are especially excited about this year’s grant awards,” says Sue McEntee, the foundation’s executive director.  “As we are beginning to come out of the pandemics, we know these dollars are very needed to keep projects alive within our parishes, schools, and organizations, and we are excited to see them come to fruition.”  The Catholic Foundation awarded 12 Catholic parishes, schools, and organizations with grants totaling $49,870.

Partnering with the Catholic Foundation, whose focus is on Catholic values investing, reinforces not only our values as a part of the broader Catholic community but supports our belief in the teachings of the Catholic Church.  For more information about the Catholic Foundation of SW Iowa, go online to www.CatholicFoundationIowa.org.

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